November proved to test and show the strength and determination of Extollo staff and students. The deteriorating security situation in the country, principally in Port-au-Prince, negatively affected our construction operations - for one, keeping our expats Jeff & Teresa Ballard in the US rather than on campus. However, the campus team was still able to complete a handful of projects under Sherm's guidance from the States. Steve Poulos was also on campus to work with the staff on the Auto Care Facility. The Trade School Team proved that even when the country is in turmoil, there is still a healthy demand for our Level 1 classes.
The final class of the year began on November 22 and concluded on Dec 3
As a result of fuel shortages and transportation issues, 13 students were enrolled, which is two less than the class capacity.
The team has been analyzing data from the student/alumni database to identify top performing alumni to train up as trainers and to receive further on-the-job training. Test results, educational background and work experience were compiled and multiple teams of masonry and welding training teams have been selected.
EIPP (Extollo in Port-au-Prince) CAMPUS:
Development of the training site at Haiti Outreach Ministries' Espwa (hope) campus continues. A new well was drilled and a caretaker's house has been built.
Due to the deteriorated security situation in haiti, much of our construction operations slowed down this month. However, ongoing inspections and maintenance continued.
Steve Poulos came onto campus to help out with a couple small projects
The foundation of two footings were poured for the auto lift that will be installed
With the fuel shortage, jobs on site required 2 operations staff on a regular basis and the administrative staff on site twice a week. Thankfully, through the effort of the Haitian government, fuel has been made available to the market and the whole staff got back to normal activities since the last week of November.
To mitigate impact of another potential fuel shortage in the coming days, 770 gallons of diesel were sourced and are being stored on campus.
If Extollo's work in Haiti fits with your calling in making a difference in the world, please make sure to read more about our year end campaign here.